The Status of Women in Islam (Part 1: Introduction)

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By Dr. Jamal Badawi

The Status of Women in Islam (Part 1: Introduction)The status of women in society is neither a new issue nor is it a fully settled one.

The position of Islam on this issue has been among the subjects presented to the Western reader with the least objectivity.

This series provides a brief and authentic exposition of what Islam stands for in this regard.

The teachings of Islam are based essentially on the Quran (God’s revelation) and Hadith (elaboration by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).

The Quran and the Hadith, properly and unbiasedly understood, provide the basic source of authentication for any position or view which is attributed to Islam.

The series starts with a brief survey of the status of women in the pre-Islamic era. It then focuses on these major questions:

1- What is the position of Islam regarding the status of woman in society?

2- How similar or different is that position from “the spirit of the time,” which was dominant when Islam was revealed?

3- How would this compare with the “rights” which were finally gained by woman in recent decades?

          To be continues…

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