Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri, one of the most prominent leaders of Da`wah and charity works in Kuwait, Chairman of the `Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity Society and former Chairman of the Islamic Presentation Committee in Kuwait (IPC), died on Wednesday, Jumada Al-Akhirah 16, 1435 AH/ April 16, 2014 AD, after long struggle with illness.
Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri is one of the founders of the Islamic movement in Kuwait. He was a companion of Sheikh ‘Abudllaah Al-Mutawa’ (Abu Badr), the Chairman of Social Reform Society. He had a great effect on the youth of awakening with his humbleness, asceticism, knowledge and his manners.
Most of the Islamic countries in general and places of Muslim minorities in particular witness the great efforts of Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri in the field of charity and relief works and his Da`wah, educational, and social projects that have institutions all over the world.
Sheikh Nader Al-Nouri was born in Kifan, Kuwait in 1954 in a religiously-committed family. He joined several schools. For example, he joined Rawdat Dimashq when he was a child, and at the elementary stage he attended Al-Khaleel ibn Ahmad school, in Kifan district. His character, since his tender age, was distinguished with religious commitment and observing prayers regularly. His religious commitment even increased by the will of his paternal uncle `Abdullah Al-Nouri, the founder of Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity Society, to succeed him in assuming the administration of the society affairs.
Such knowledge, that Sheikh Nader used to have, was not at all an off-the-cuff knowledge. Rather, he acquired it through much reading for many years in the library that he had since his prime age. Actually, he had a lesson from each corner and a story with each book in it.
Love of charity work was deeply rooted in Sheikh Nader because his grandfather was one of the pioneering individuals in this filed in Kuwait as well as his paternal uncle Abdullah Al-Nouri.
In spite of the several commitments and works of the Sheikh Nader, he never neglected taking care of the most important component of society which is his family, acting upon the statement of the Messenger (peace be upon him): Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock.
Sheikh Nader visited many countries where his kind hand stretched with all goodness to many wretched people such as China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippine, Malaysia, Russia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yemen, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Mexico and many other countries.
Journeys of his charity activities were very hard. His travels to such counties were not at all for pleasure or amusement. Therefore, he used to encounter several strange situations that never occur except in films or science fictions. Such numerous journeys were not free from strange acquisitions, hobbies, beautiful activities such as traveling by sea, hunting, shooting sport and many other heritage acquisitions.Soucre Link